Divorcing in St. Louis can be a long, time-consuming process. There are countless steps that you must complete after filing the petition for divorce, and each of these steps can take time. However, the steps before you ever file your petition are also important.
You have a lot to consider regarding a potential divorce before you begin the process directly. More goes into a successful divorce than simply filing a petition and waiting for the court to resolve things. Experienced divorce lawyers could advise you on all of the steps you should take prior to filing.
If you are ready to discuss your options, the team at J. Rench Law Firm, LLC is here to help. We understand the challenges that come with divorce, and we are here to help every step of the way. Reach out today for a private consultation, and consider the following tips to consider before you file for divorce.
Be Sure You Want to Divorce Your Spouse
While it might sound obvious, one of the most important things you can do before you file for divorce is to be sure you want to dissolve your marriage at all. The prospect of ending your marriage can be emotional, and it is not uncommon to say things you don’t mean in the heat of the moment.
In some cases, the initial decision to seek a divorce is a rash one. While the Missouri Department of Health reports divorce rates are increasing, not every couple that decides to split will ultimately go through with it. By acting quickly, you could spend time and effort on dissolving a marriage you later realize you would prefer that stays intact. Be certain you have reached a final decision before taking any additional steps.
Prepare Your Financial Documents
Divorce proceedings heavily rely on the use of documentary evidence. This is because both spouses have an obligation to provide a clear and honest picture of their finances to the other spouse before the court can split marital assets. To provide the court with a clear picture of your financial situation, you will need to compile your financial documents. This could involve records related to your personal assets as well as any statements from accounts that are jointly owned by you and your spouse. Tempers can flare following a divorce filing, which makes it difficult to obtain the documents you need after the petition has been filed. It is best to secure this documentation before filing for divorce.
Make Purchases or Other Arrangements in St. Louis
For many people, leaving a marriage is a major life change. This is especially true for individuals who have lived with their spouse for many years. These changes could include returning to the workforce or living alone for the first time in their lives. It is helpful to make any necessary purchases to facilitate these life changes prior to the divorce.
Consider Your Living Situation in St. Louis
It is never a good idea to go into divorce proceedings with an uncertain living situation. This is true whether you hope to remain in the marital home or you plan on finding a new place. You should have a clear plan of where you intend to live well before you file for divorce. There are important considerations when it comes to living arrangements that require the counsel of experienced divorce lawyers. For example, leaving the home and moving in with friends could make it difficult for you to retain the rights to your marital home during the course of divorce proceedings.
Talk to St. Louis Divorce Lawyers
There are a few steps prior to filing for divorce that is more important than speaking to St. Louis divorce lawyers. This process is complex, and there are countless things that can go wrong when legal mistakes are made. The J. Rench Law Firm, LLC understands how important it is to get these things right. If you are ready to learn more about your options prior to filing for divorce, reach out to our firm as soon as possible for a private consultation.